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Roan St Patrick's Primary School, Eglish, Co. Tyrone

News - Celebrating Success

2020/2021 School Year

20th Nov 2020
We have a new winner! Week 2 has produced a new winner in Mr. Grimley's times tables...
20th Nov 2020
Congratulations to this week's winners and to all of those who gained House Marks...
18th Nov 2020
Have a look at some of the fun we have been Primary 1 learning about 2D shapes. 
16th Nov 2020
The P2 children would like to present our first ever virtual assembly. As we are...
13th Nov 2020
There was a hugely anticipated competition in Mr. Grimley's classroom today. The...
13th Nov 2020
Well done to all the children for another great week of hard work and excellent...
13th Nov 2020
We raised an amazing £1919.70 through our recent raffle fundraiser!! Thank...
6th Nov 2020
Well done to this week's winners. All teachers and classroom assistants have...
14th Oct 2020
We welcomed the Education Minister Peter Weir to school today to discuss our current...
9th Oct 2020
Super work from all children who received either a house mark or the Pupil of the...