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Roan St Patrick's Primary School, Eglish, Co. Tyrone

Homework Survey Feedback 2024

4th Sep 2024

Thank you to all families who completed our Homework Survey in June. We had a great response with just over 50 families sharing their opinions and views on our current homework provision.
As expected, we had a range of views on our homework - I have shared some of the data in the attached document. Thank you for all of the constructive comments and suggestions that were made, all have been read and will be taken on board.
Seesaw passwords will be shared with all parents next week along with homework outlines for each class. We cannot over-emphasise the importance of reading and learning homework (spellings / tables / number bonds). We understand that, on occasion, your child may not get all written homework completed, however, we would encourage that all reading and learning homework is completed weekly. Your child's teacher will check all homework submitted via Seesaw and make one overall written or verbal comment per week as per our school's Marking Policy.