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Roan St Patrick's Primary School, Eglish, Co. Tyrone

2024-25 Homework Schedules

12th Sep 2024

Homework will begin for all children on Monday 16th September. Please find attached some information linked to your child's class. Please ensure that you have downloaded the Seesaw app to your smart device (it may take a short period of time for new families to familiarise themselves with this platform - your class teacher will be on hand to support you with this and answer any queries you may have).

Pupil QR codes should be sent home by the weekend.

We cannot over-emphasise the importance of reading and learning homework (spellings / tables / number bonds). We understand that, on occasion, your child may not get all written homework completed, however, we would encourage that all reading and learning homework is completed weekly. Your child's teacher will check all homework submitted via Seesaw and make one overall written or verbal comment per week as per our school's Marking Policy.

If you have an important query to discuss with your child's teacher, please do not use the Seesaw platform for this and arrange a meeting with the teacher; contact them via the school phone or send them an email to their personal teacher address (available on school site home page - Miss Harte (P1) & Miss Grimley (P2) will pick-up emails sent to Mrs McKeown & Miss Quinn's email addresses).

If you would like your child to complete extra homework tasks, please explore the Home Learning section of the Parent Area on the site (password: Roan2020). 

Children completing the Transfer Test in November will only complete the reading and learning parts of homework until the test is complete.